Lunch At Sin Kee Restaurant @ Little India Brickfiedls

On a recent public holiday, the hubs and I decided to make the most of our free time and treat our family to a delicious lunch. We headed to Sin Kee restaurant, a renowned establishment in Little India, Brickfields, known for its delectable Hainanese dishes. Despite a brief hiccup in the service, our overall experience was delightful, with an array of mouthwatering dishes that left us satisfied and content.  Sin Kee has been around for at least 3 decades.

As we arrived at Sin Kee restaurant, the bustling crowd immediately caught our attention. It was Hari Raya Haji, a public holiday, and many people had flocked to the restaurant to savor the famous Hainanese cuisine. 

However, upon entering the restaurant, we noticed that almost all the tables were occupied, and none of them had food served yet. Our stomachs grumbled with hunger as we eagerly awaited our turn. Unfortunately, the wait proved to be longer than expected, lasting more than half an hour. Patience wearing thin, we couldn't help but wish for a faster service.

Once our dishes finally arrived, the long wait became a distant memory as the enticing aromas wafted from the table. We had ordered a variety of Hainanese specialties, each with its own unique flavors and textures.

Hainanese Chicken Chop: The Hainanese Chicken Chop stole the show with its tender, succulent chicken smothered in a savory brown sauce. The accompanying fries and vegetables added a delightful crunch, making it a satisfying dish.

Hainanese Pork Chop: Next up was the Hainanese Pork Chop, made from minced pork. While it had a strong porky smell that didn't quite suit my taste, it was nonetheless a favorite among some diners who enjoy richer flavors.

Deep Fried Black Pomfret Fish: One dish that truly stood out was the Deep Fried Black Pomfret Fish. Its perfectly crispy exterior concealed delicate and flavorful flesh. Each bite was a treat, leaving us craving for more.

Stir-Fried Kailan with Garlic: The Stir-Fried Kailan with Garlic offered a refreshing and nutritious addition to the meal. The vibrant green vegetables were cooked to perfection, retaining their crunchiness and complementing the other dishes well.

Koo Lo Yoke: The Koo Lo Yoke, a sweet and sour fried pork dish, added a delightful balance of flavors to the table. The crispy pork coated in a tangy sauce was a hit among all of us.

Chinese Omelette (Foo Yoong Tarn): The Chinese Omelette, or Foo Yoong Tarn, was a crowd-pleaser. Packed with generous amounts of prawns, spam meat, waxed sausage, and vegetables, it offered a delightful medley of textures and flavors.

Tofu with Minced Pork: Lastly, the Tofu with Minced Pork provided a comforting addition to the meal. The silky tofu combined with the savory minced pork created a comforting and satisfying dish.

    As we savored each dish, the reasonable bill came as a pleasant surprise. The total cost for the seven dishes amounted to RM149.50, which we found to be quite affordable considering the variety and quality of the food.

    Despite the initial wait, our lunch experience at Sin Kee restaurant in Brickfields was a memorable one. The flavorsome Hainanese cuisine and the vibrant atmosphere of Little India made it a delightful outing. 

    While we were waiting for our food to arrive, we segued a few doors away to a vegetarian Indian restaurant to order takeaway Naan bread and Palak Paneer for dinner.  I didn't take note of the name of the restaurant but all of us loved their assortment of Naan bread (cheese Naan, garlic Naan and stuffed Naan).  Our next trip to Little India would be to this establishment to savor authentic Northern and Southern Indian food.