Haru's Sibling

This is Haru's sibling, born from a different litter about a year after Haru was born. I think she's a female. She looks very much like Haru and has a very pretty face.  

Haru's sibling now loiters outside hubby's shop. Hubby told me that an office staff next door feeds this cat. She really needs a forever home to avoid a premature death from being mauled by stray dogs, flattened by a vehicle, or swallowed up by phyton snakes.  Haru's baby siblings from another litter were all swallowed up by a phyton snake last year.

This little kitty is very 'manja' towards me. Every time she heard me calling her, she would run towards me, and follow me around, as if begging me to bring her home. She always followed me back to my car and would try to jump inside.  I'm so tempted to bring this cutie home. My heart hurts to see such an adorable and friendly cat living on the street, begging for love and pets.