Monday, 19 February 2024 ~ Haru's Annual Vaccination and Homemade Siew Yoke

Sherilyn doesn't have to go to college today, so I jumped at the opportunity to get her to accompany me to bring Haru to the vet's clinic.  Haru's due for her annual vaccination and bi-yearly deworming pill. As I'm the one driving, I need someone to carry Haru in the car.

Inside her usual tote bag, snugged under Sherilyn's armpit.

Haru behaved really well, wasn't trembling as bad as the previous time, and only hissed briefly at the vet. She didn't cry when jabbed on her thigh.

Back home, Sherilyn spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen, whipping up a big pot of Korean pork and kimchi stew and making Siew Yoke (roast pork) for the first time.
Super delish Siew Yoke with crackling crispy skin.  

I'd give Sherilyn a 100% rating for her Siew Yoke. Excellent job for someone making it for the first time. She randomly googled for a recipe and tweaked the recipe with whatever spices she could find in the larder.