Sherilyn's 19th Birthday

On 16 February 2024, Sherilyn turned 19, marking another milestone in her journey of growth. Our celebration this year held special significance as we gathered in Ipoh on the first day of Chinese New Year on 10 February 2024, to commemorate her birthday in advance. This is the second time that Sherilyn celebrated her birthday in Ipoh with my parents and brothers. If Chinese New Year happens to fall in February, we would be able to have a double celebration in Ipoh when my brothers return to Ipoh.

Sherilyn's birth on the 8th day of Chinese New Year in 2005 remains etched in my memory with vivid clarity. On the eve of Pai Ti Kung day, Sherilyn made her grand entrance into the world at noon, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts.  Her spirited nature became apparent from the start, as evidenced by her feisty behavior even during those early breastfeeding sessions.  

I recall the thunderous sounds of fireworks at midnight on 16 February 2005 as the Hokkiens celebrated and prayed to the Jade Emperor.  That midnight, the infant, not even a day old yet, bit off a small part of my teat as she was trying to suckle milk. I was shocked to see blood in her mouth and then the double shock when I realized that it was a tiny part of my teat in her tiny mouth 😬. I will never forget the pain I endured that night and the subsequent times that she latched onto a badly wounded teat. 😂 I am so proud of myself that I survived those days.

A yummy cake from JJ Swiss Roll.

Fast forward to Sherilyn's 19th birthday celebration, and we found ourselves indulging in not one but two joyous occasions. The pre-birthday and Chinese New Year festivities in Ipoh, surrounded by family members, including my brother's family from Singapore, set the stage for a memorable celebration. 

With my fam bam.

Sherilyn received a birthday and CNY ang pow from my parents.

Pandan and chocolate flavor this time as the popular cempedak flavor was sold out.  The pandan and chocolate flavor was superb too, with a strong pandan aroma.

On the eve of her birthday, Sherilyn treated herself to a decadent sirloin steak infused with sage butter, a gourmet delight that reflected her refined palate and culinary skills.  With meticulous care, she pan-fried the steak to perfection, accompanied by creamy mashed. She wolfed down the entire piece of steak herself and shared just one small bite with me as I requested to try it.

Lip-smackingly delish steak and mash, both meticulously prepped by Sherilyn for herself - her present to herself, bought using her ang pow money.

Now, as Sherilyn embarks on her 19th year, I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of being her mother and witnessing her growth every step of the way. Though the years may pass, Sherilyn's vibrant and unwavering spirit, thirst for competitiveness, and boundless energy remain unchanged.