Restaurant Fatt Hei Len at Taman Taynton View, Cheras

In the heart of Taman Taynton View in Cheras lies a hidden gem of gastronomic wonders - Fatt Hei Len Restaurant. Tucked away in a neighborhood area, this unassuming Chinese dai chow type restaurant may not catch your eyes at first glance, but once you step inside, you'll be greeted with an air-conditioned ambiance buzzing with diners eagerly savoring the delights on offer.

Among the array of tempting options, we decided to start with their signature Sang Har noodles - a tantalizing concoction of freshwater prawns fried to perfection atop a bed of flavorful deep-fried noodles. The succulent prawns paired wonderfully with the crispy noodles and egg sauce, leaving us craving for more.

Another standout dish that captured our taste buds was the steamed Lala clams generously garnished with chopped garlic. The aromatic garlic infused every bite with a burst of flavor, making it an instant favorite of mine.

For the adventurous palate of the hubby, we ventured into trying the stir-fried pig intestines, which turned out to be a surprising delight. Cooked to tender perfection and seasoned with a harmonious blend of deep-fried dried shrimp and garlic, it was a dish that left a lasting impression.

Of course, no Chinese meal is complete without a vegetable dish, and Fatt Hei Len did not disappoint. The sautéed sweet potato leaves with garlic were executed flawlessly, boasting the coveted 'wok hei' taste that elevates simple greens to gourmet status.

The homemade tofu and fried yam basket with ku lo yoke provided a satisfying crunch, while the braised chicken with yellow wine in clay pot was a comforting indulgence (my all-time favorite), with kampung chicken steeped in fragrant yellow wine sauce, reminiscing of a confinement dish.

This time we didn’t get to try the famed "Pau Heong” Rice with River Prawns, a dish that came highly recommended. Priced at RM156 for a double portion, I’ve read rave reviews on this unique dish, only after we visited Fatt Hei Len. The giant freshwater prawns are nestled amidst explosively fried rice, with chunks of water chestnut, carrots, and peas.  Sounds interesting and unique!

As we savored each dish, we were pleasantly surprised by the reasonable bill that awaited us at the end of our meal - a mere RM276.65. Considering the quality and quantity of the food we enjoyed with big freshwater prawns, it was indeed a steal.

From their unique and mouthwatering dishes to their warm hospitality, this is a place we'll undoubtedly revisit. 

Sang Har noodles with two huge freshwater prawns.

Braised kampung chicken with yellow wine in clay pot.

Yam basket with ku lo yoke.

Fried homemade tofu.

Stir-fried Sang Cheong aka pork intestines with fried dried shrimp and garlic. I am not a fan of innards but this dish is very nicely executed. It's very aromatic with crunchy pork intestines.

Even a simple sauteed sweet potato leaves with garlic was very well executed, with 'wok hei' and aroma of garlic.

Steamed lala with loads of minced garlic. 

Fatt Hei Len Restaurant

8, Jalan 30A/119, Taman Taynton View, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur

Open daily; 11.30am-3pm, 5.30pm-10pm

Tel: 03-9133 8985