The Life of a First-Year Architecture Student

Sherilyn is back to her busy university routine, and it's been a whirlwind since she started her first year of architecture studies. In less than a month, she’s already deep into back-to-back assignments, and this week has been particularly intense. Several all-nighters were pulled to meet deadlines, but Tuesday was a whole new level of commitment—or rather, sleep deprivation.

That day, she sat at our dining table for almost 24 hours straight, working meticulously on a series of models made from rattan and hard cardboard. With her eyes fixed on her craft, her laptop played continuous streams of Josh Johnson’s standup comedy shows, giving her a much-needed distraction to get through the grueling hours. It was fascinating to watch how she balanced concentration on her work with the humor of Josh Johnson playing in the background. 

By the end of those long 24 hours with zero shut eye, Sherilyn finally completed her models and rushed off to university to submit her assignment, leaving behind what I dread the most—the aftermath. Unwashed dishes, a cluttered dining table, and dirty floors were left for me to tackle. But I suppose this is going to be the scene in our house for the next three years, at least until she graduates.

Despite the mess and the sleepless nights, I remind myself that these sacrifices will eventually pay off. Seeing Sherilyn work so hard toward her degree makes me proud, and I know that watching her succeed will make all of this worthwhile. I’ll keep cleaning up after her as long as it means she’s one step closer to reaching her goals and graduating with success.

Intricate designs - the top two models were cut from long strips of rattan sticks and glued together.

Drawing on an LED drawing pad in a dark room; Messy dining table. Everyone at home has to bear with a super messy table almost every day.