The Never-Ending Battle of Picking Up Hair: A Frustrated Mom’s Rant

If you're a mother with daughters, you're probably all too familiar with this infuriating and exasperating task: picking up hair from every corner of the house. No matter how many times I remind my daughters to clean up after themselves, it feels like their "selective forgetfulness" kicks in. Whether it's after brushing their hair or using a hair dryer, there are always strands left behind—on pillows, bedding, the floor, toilet seat, tables, and chairs. It drives me up the wall!

Every day, I find myself with a lint roller in hand, tediously rolling off hair from every surface. The frustration comes when I remind them to pick up their hair, and they nod and say "OK," but nothing changes. The next day, I see the same mess, and their excuse is always the same: "I forgot," or "I had to rush to school." I know it’s selective forgetfulness, and it’s frustrating beyond words.

As a mom who’s on the OCD side, it’s exhausting having to clean up after them constantly. I’m tired of rolling hair off every surface in the house, only to be greeted by the same mess the very next hour. How do other moms deal with this level of irresponsibility in their kids? How do you get them to take simple tasks like cleaning up their hair seriously? 😐

If you’ve figured out how to get your daughters to clean up after their own mess, I’d love to hear your secret. But for now, I’ll keep rolling away, hoping one day it clicks for them!